Shoff Security Mission Statement

TO SERVE our customers by providing safe, effective, and innovative security products of high quality and value.

TO BUILD a relationship with our customers that goes beyond product usage in include full and honest dialog, responsiveness to feedbacks, and the exchange of information about products and issues.

TO RESPECT, serve, and value not only our customers, but also our co-workers, suppliers, and our community; to be concerned about and contribute to their well-being, and to operate with integrity so as to be deserving of their trust.

TO PROVIDE meaningful work, fair compensation, and a safe, healthy work environment that encourages openness, creativity, self discipline, and growth.

TO ACKNOWLEDGE the value of each person's contribution to our goals, and to foster teamwork in our tasks.

TO BE DISTINCTIVE in products, policies, and service.

TO ADDRESS community concerns by devoting a portion of our time, talents, and resources to the environment, human needs, the arts, and education.

TO WORK TOGETHER to contribute to the long-term value and sustainability of our company.

TO VALUE, contribute to, and require a high level of competence in the work community.

TO BE A PROFITABLE AND SUCCESSFUL COMPANY, while acting in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.